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Theatre Company

A Montgomery County Public Schools Theatre

Upcoming shows
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To Our Theater


​CHStage is an award winning theater program in Clarksburg, Maryland.

We produce two mainstage shows during the school year.

Additionally, we typically perform various scenes, songs, monologues, and 
a one-act piece​ for competitive festivals.

Our Leaders
Our Production Staff

The Artistic Director- Michelle Meyer
The Assistant Director- Emma Veteto
The Technical Director - Patrick Evans
The Musical Director – Matthew Tilkens

Student Leadership

Josie Escario- President

Sammi Fletcher-  Vice President 
Estrella Morales - Secretary
Lydia Wester- Treasurer
Tristan Perkins - Cappies Lead

Savin Criddle- Freshman Rep
Sarah Ulicny - Sophomore Rep
Vick Peterson - Junior Rep
Sierra Flowers - Senior Rep


Student Production Staff

Stage Manager - Sammi Fletcher
Stage Right Manager - Alexa Davaltova
Stage Left Manager - Tristan Perkins
Props Head- Estrella Morales & Tayler Edick
Costume Head- Molly Ridgway

Sound Head- Mehul Jasti

Special Effects-Kaitlyn Green
Lighting Head- Vick Peterson
Paint Head- Tatiana Juarez



CHStage Save the Date


*December 19th Dance Workshop in the Auditorium


*December 19th Audition form opens 


*January 12-13 Maryland Thespian Festival @ UofMD at CP

(Reservation on Jan 12 @ College Park Marriot Hotel and Conference Ctr)

*January 19- 20 Mountain Theater Festival @ Frostburg State University


*January Auditions for Spring Musical, Mean Girls


*January 23 (7pm) CHStage Parent Meeting in Choir Room


*April 8-11 Mean Girls: Tech Week


*April 12, 13, 14, 19, 20 Mean Girls Performances

(parent volunteers and donations needed)


*May 14 Bake Sale Fundraiser


*May 15 EOY Banquet/Induction


Social Media

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22500 Wims Rd. Clarksbug Md 20871


Instagram: @_chstage

Twitter: @_chstage

TikTok: @Chstage


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